Fees & Rebates

Session Fees


Initial Parent Meeting

60 minutes - online.

Grab an evening cuppa, jump onto Zoom and let’s get to know one another! You can ask any questions you may have and we can talk through your family and child’s history and any current concerns.


Children’s & Teen Sessions

50 minutes- In person (Mount Eliza, VIC)


Parent Meetings


Parent Support Sessions


Mother’s / Women’s Counselling Sessions

60 minutes- online.

We like to chat with you as the parent/s around every 3 child sessions to keep you updated on the therapy process. Here we can discuss any worries, concerns or changes you are noticing at home- and collaborate on how to best support your child.

60 minutes- online.

Casual parent support sessions can be booked as frequently as you desire. They are designed to give you understanding and practical tools to implement at home to support your child and whole family’s wellbeing.

50 minutes- In person (Mount Eliza, VIC)

We whole-heartedly believe that when mum’s are supported, the whole family benefits!

Please note: We offer significant discounts to mothers already using our services for their child/ren.



If your NDIS funds are plan-managed or self-managed…

Sessions are fully-subsidised and we do not charge any out of pocket fee.


Please discuss this prior to your initial session.

Private Health Insurance Rebates

You do not need a mental health care plan to see me as counsellors/therapists do not offer Medicare rebate. However, private health insurance rebates are provided for services such as counselling. Depending on your level of cover, you may be able to apply for a rebate from your private health insurer.

Cancellation Policy

We understand that sometimes life happens, but please provide 24-48 hours notice when cancelling your session so that your session can be postponed to a future time. Please be aware that fees are non-refundable in the event of a no show.